Friday, March 28, 2008

Week Six Update - Turning a Corner

Its been almost six weeks since surgery and I'm doing really well. I can walk nearly two miles and sitting tolerance is increasing. I haven't had any painkillers since the leg issues. I've had about 5 nights of muscle relaxers because my neck is bothering me. The neck muscles are tense and one vertabrae hurts. I have occassional numbness in my left arm all the way to my fingers. I had my appt with Dr. Murray at OrthoCarolina on Wedesday. He took new xrays which he said look excellent. He thinks I am moving around very well. He believes the neck is still related to the nerve changes and should subside. He thought the egg sized lump at my abdomen looked worse in pictures and believes it may go down after several months. He has seen it before and believes it to be a result of the "sewing up" after surgery. If it doesn't go away, he'll send me to his vascular surgeon. He's referred me for PT which I'll start next week. And he'll willingly follow up with me in six weeks. He is by far the best, most compassionate spine doctor I have seen. With his credentials he certainly has the right to have the "god complex" that I've had to endure with so many surgeons but its just not his nature. Dave left the appointment saying he just wanted to hug him. It's great to know that there are still doctors out there like him. The whole experience has lifted my spirits. Thanks again to Mark Mintzer of Global Patient Network for arranging this.

I've been able to stay up and about for the full days, drive myself around now, clean up a bit. I still have soreness most of the day but nothing unbearable. Ice and heat are relieving it. One friend saw me in Target on Saturday and couldn't believe how well I was moving around. However, on Sunday I sneezed in Walmart and my left side really hurt. My back lets me know when I've done too much so I don't think I will overdo it.

I have been saying for the past 3 years that our move here to Charlotte hasn't ever felt like home (Boston) for me but at a time like this its getting close. The support that I have received from friends, neighbors, coworkers and acquaintances has been unbelievable! They are bringing meals, joining me for walks, and going out of their way to provide moral support. I am so thankful to my family and friends - near, far and online for all they have done.

My mom will be returning next week with the two little girls and I told her that I am ready to take back my duties. We'll do it slowly but I am finally feeling like I can take care of my family again which is nice.

I am turning a corner, haven't made it all the way around that corner yet but I feel optimistic that its coming.


Anonymous said...

hehehe i told you so kiddo :)
what great news on how you are coming around thats awesome.
pssssh the pergo floor is about done.
big grin.

Unknown said...

Cheryl...what a great update! I am happy to hear you are doing better and that you feel like you are turning a corner! I have been thinking of you (up here in Boston!) and hoping that you would feel better...glad to hear it's true.

Anonymous said...

This is Manth, remember me??
I have being keeping up with your blog and for every new blog you write it sure sounds like you are slowly but surly recovering. GREAT TO SEE!!!! Anyway wanted to let you know that I saw a lawyer today about recovering costs. I do remember that you and I both have the same insurance company. SO I will keep you up to date as to what transpires, and if I can get somewhere with it, will surly help you get a good result too. Anyway keepup the good blog, you are a great read. Manth

Cheryl said...

Hey Manth,

We are about to submit our first appeal now that we have all the bills. We will probably read Laurie Todds Insurance Warrior first. We also consulted witha lawyer who wants to see our orignial policies which we are having trouble getting from the Insurance Company.

Feel free to PM me through our online support group if you have any info.
