Friday, March 28, 2008

Week Six Update - Turning a Corner

Its been almost six weeks since surgery and I'm doing really well. I can walk nearly two miles and sitting tolerance is increasing. I haven't had any painkillers since the leg issues. I've had about 5 nights of muscle relaxers because my neck is bothering me. The neck muscles are tense and one vertabrae hurts. I have occassional numbness in my left arm all the way to my fingers. I had my appt with Dr. Murray at OrthoCarolina on Wedesday. He took new xrays which he said look excellent. He thinks I am moving around very well. He believes the neck is still related to the nerve changes and should subside. He thought the egg sized lump at my abdomen looked worse in pictures and believes it may go down after several months. He has seen it before and believes it to be a result of the "sewing up" after surgery. If it doesn't go away, he'll send me to his vascular surgeon. He's referred me for PT which I'll start next week. And he'll willingly follow up with me in six weeks. He is by far the best, most compassionate spine doctor I have seen. With his credentials he certainly has the right to have the "god complex" that I've had to endure with so many surgeons but its just not his nature. Dave left the appointment saying he just wanted to hug him. It's great to know that there are still doctors out there like him. The whole experience has lifted my spirits. Thanks again to Mark Mintzer of Global Patient Network for arranging this.

I've been able to stay up and about for the full days, drive myself around now, clean up a bit. I still have soreness most of the day but nothing unbearable. Ice and heat are relieving it. One friend saw me in Target on Saturday and couldn't believe how well I was moving around. However, on Sunday I sneezed in Walmart and my left side really hurt. My back lets me know when I've done too much so I don't think I will overdo it.

I have been saying for the past 3 years that our move here to Charlotte hasn't ever felt like home (Boston) for me but at a time like this its getting close. The support that I have received from friends, neighbors, coworkers and acquaintances has been unbelievable! They are bringing meals, joining me for walks, and going out of their way to provide moral support. I am so thankful to my family and friends - near, far and online for all they have done.

My mom will be returning next week with the two little girls and I told her that I am ready to take back my duties. We'll do it slowly but I am finally feeling like I can take care of my family again which is nice.

I am turning a corner, haven't made it all the way around that corner yet but I feel optimistic that its coming.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 4 Post Op Update - Walking and Sitting Tolerance is increasing

It's 4 weeks from surgery today and I continue to recover. I can walk about 45 minutes before I feel pain. I can sit 20-30 depending on how much I've done in the day. I've only needed two painkillers this week which was for the leg issues at night. I haven't had the leg pain in two nights now so hopefully that is on the upswing as well. I am getting up and out a bit more. We went to WalMart yesterday - I had to leave the store and go to the car before my husband checked out though due to pain after 50 minutes.

I am still not better than pre-surgery and that is a milestone I look forward to hitting.

I sent the pictures of the egg sized lump at my incision site to Dr. B's office. They believe it to be muscle hernia which will require further surgery to correct though primarily cosmetic. My family doctor has looked at it and also feels its a cosmetic issue. I am going to see a new spine surgeon next week to confirm this diagnosis. I have to thank Mark Mintzer of Global Patient Network and for connecting me with a spine surgeon in my area. My own spine doctor had rejected me once I made the decision to go to Germany. I left for surgery concerned but given my limted options, I decided to just hoped for the best and that I wouldn't need a spine surgeon upon my return. Mark contacted a top doctor here who he has worked with in the past to ask if he'd be willing to follow up with me. The doctors office called me the next day to set up my appt. This is amazing because most doctors are unwilling to take on other doctors follow up care. The doctor trained in Straubing with Dr. B so I feel confident he will be best suited to care for me. I'll let you know the results next week.

I should also point out that I am not a client of Mark's or GPN. He has so kindly and compassionately helped me out. THANK YOU MARK!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Week 3 Post Op Update

Today is three weeks exactly from surgery. I've been home for a week. The pain is getting better. It's more sore in the low back area than pain for now. I've walked about 15 minutes at a time without much pain just muscle soreness. My back does feel that if I did too much it would hurt again quickly though I haven't tested that theory. About 3 nights ago I did start getting what I call "weird leg shit". I believe the technical term is Distraction Pain :) Its not so much pain as it is something taking over my legs - much like what Restless Leg Syndrome must feel like. Its tingling, wanting to move and a general feeling that something large is inside my legs wanting to crawl out. My hands also have numbness on and off. The pain meds relieved it the first two nights but not last night. Overall though I can say that I've made progress on the low back pain front which is a good step because I wasn't so sure that was ever going to happen. I can sit for 10 minutes or so now without pain. That's alot longer than the nothing that I could do back at the hotel.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Went to doctor today

I went to my family physician today for a follow up check up. I have had floaters in my eyes ever since the surgery. He checked that out and didn't find anything wrong with my retina. He recommended seeing an eye doctor if they are still there in a few weeks. I also had him look at my incision because when I stand up there is an egg sized lump at the top of it. He called it weakening of the muscle inside the abdominal wall. He didn't think it was a hernia or anything to worry about but he doesn't think it will go away completely . This lump has been there all along but its only noticeable when I stand up and look down or from the side view. And since the swelling from the incision is gone I think its more prominent now. I'll send a picture along to ProSpine tomorrow.

I spoke with both Chuck and David today - we all agreed that my perceived lack of progress is due to the fact that my disks were so degenerated and collapsed that my recovery will take time. I know its true but its hard to watch my family going on around me.

Geoff and Family - please see my response to your comment yesterday on the comment board.

Also, I may not be posting everyday now if there is nothing new. Don't want to bore you all!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Maybe the plane caught up with me

Well its raining (really heavily) today or maybe it was a delay from the plane but its not been a good one. I've been in bed most of the day. I walked to the bus stop but that was it.

Hopefully with all the rest I had today tomorrow will be better.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Back Home Safe and Sound 2 weeks post op

We made it home safely last night. The flight was not a whole lot of fun but I got through it. Unfortunately we were on an older US Air plane that did not have the upgraded first class seats which fully recline. We had seen those seats on our flight to Germany so I expected thats what I'd have on the way back and it would've made a huge difference in my comfort level. I had that new seat on the short flight from philly to charlotte and it was great.

The girls waited up for me and it was great to see them.

I don't feel much worse for the wear today given that yeserday was so long. Dave took the day off and walked around the block with me. I got another one of those left groin pains so I had to lean on him to fininsh the walk. I sat on ice when I got home and feel okay. The weather is beautiful here today so I have been able to sit outside and relax.

Thanks everyone for all of your support. Thanks Chuck and David and Mark for holding my hand through this.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

We are at Munich Airport Day 13

The past few days have been uneventful and restful. We are at the airport now and all is well. Peter did get me a wheelchair and Jean is pushing me around. I am up and walking around the 1st class lounge now to move around before the long flight. I feel pretty good going into this. Sore and a little pain but not terrible.

Time to get a german beer. Jeans is learning how to pour them from the tap from fellow German passengers seems there is a skill to this.

Will post from the states tomorrow.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Internet is down

Hi, We are fine here status quo. The internet is down in the hotel and will likely be until Monday. I am using the receptionists dial up line now so do not plan to hear from me until we get to the airport in Philly. We cannot phone out of our romms but we can receive calls in if you need to reach us.